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1.
婚姻,是需要双方相互尊重和包容的道路。
【Respect
and
tolerance
are
two-way
street
in
marriage.
】
2.
婚姻,需要双方细心经营,才能让它长久稳健。
【Marriage
needs
careful
cultivation
from
both
sides
to
make
it
long-lasting
and
stable.
】
3.
婚礼只是一瞬间,婚姻可是一辈子。
【Wedding
is
just
a
moment,
but
marriage
is
a
lifetime
commitment.
】
4.
婚姻不是过家家,而是需要磨合、调节和理解的过程。
【Marriage
is
not
a
game,
but
a
process
that
needs
adjustment,
compromise
and
understanding.
】
5.
婚姻需要双方不断学习,从中获取更多的智慧和经验。
【Marriage
requires
continuous
learning
from
both
sides,
to
gain
more
wisdom
and
experience.
】
6.
婚姻是两人一起融入一个家庭中的过程,需要协调、合作和牺牲。
【Marriage
is
a
process
of
two
people
blending
into
a
family,
which
requires
coordination,
cooperation
and
sacrifice.
】
7.
婚姻不能只看重对方的外貌和条件,更要注重内在和品格。
【Marriage
should
not
only
focus
on
the
appearance
and
conditions
of
each
other,
but
also
pay
attention
to
the
inner
and
character.
】
8.
婚姻需要双方懂得包容和宽容,别把小事变成大事。
【Marriage
requires
both
sides
to
be
tolerant
and
accommodating,
don't
make
a
mountain
out
of
a
molehill.
】
9.
婚姻中的生活琐事,虽然平凡但却掩盖着感情的火花。
【The
trivial
matters
in
marriage
may
seem
mundane,
but
they
actually
hide
the
sparks
of
relationship.
】
10.
婚姻中的沟通是非常重要的,不要让心灵的距离拉开彼此之间的距离。
【Communication
is
crucial
in
marriage,
don't
let
the
distance
between
your
hearts
widen.
】
11.
婚姻不是两个人都有理,而是需要双方都有错。
【Marriage
is
not
about
who
is
right
or
wrong,
but
both
sides
taking
responsibility.
】
12.
婚姻需要双方在相互扶持和支持中一起成长和进步。
【Marriage
requires
both
sides
to
grow
and
progress
together
by
supporting
and
relying
on
each
other.
】
13.
婚姻是一次冒险,需要双方勇敢面对未知的风景和挑战。
【Marriage
is
an
adventure
that
requires
both
sides
to
bravely
face
the
unknown
scenery
and
challenges.
】
14.
婚姻不只是幸福的答案,更是一个探索和发现的过程。
【Marriage
is
not
just
the
answer
to
happiness,
but
also
a
process
of
exploration
and
discovery.
】
15.
婚姻中的爱不是浪漫的表现,而是两个人互相包容、关心和扶持的表现。
【Love
in
marriage
is
not
about
romance,
but
about
mutual
understanding,
care
and
support.
】
16.
婚姻中出现的问题和矛盾,需要双方坦诚面对和解决。
【The
problems
and
conflicts
in
marriage
need
to
be
honestly
faced
and
solved
by
both
sides.
】
17.
婚姻需要双方相互信任和忠诚,否则就无法建立稳固的根基。
【Marriage
requires
both
sides
to
trust
and
be
loyal
to
each
other,
otherwise
a
solid
foundation
cannot
be
established.
】
18.
婚姻是一种承诺和责任,需要双方不断地学习和成长,才能把它维系得更长久。
【Marriage
is
a
commitment
and
responsibility,
which
requires
both
sides
to
keep
learning
and
growing,
to
maintain
it
longer.
】
19.
婚姻中的相处之道,需要双方深入了解和体谅彼此,才能让它更加美好。
【The
way
of
getting
along
in
marriage
requires
both
sides
to
deeply
understand
and
empathize
with
each
other,
to
make
it
even
better.
】
20.
婚姻中的幸福并非神奇的魔力,而是需要双方不断努力和经营的结果。
【Happiness
in
marriage
is
not
some
magical
power,
but
the
result
of
both
sides'
continuous
efforts
and
cultivation.
】