.jpg)
1.
"The
most
beautiful
moments
are
often
the
ones
we
don't
remember
taking
a
picture
of.
"
【美好的瞬间往往是我们不记得拍照的时刻。
】
2.
"Nature
always
wears
the
colors
of
the
spirit.
"
-
Ralph
Waldo
Emerson
【自然总是穿上灵魂的颜色。
】
3.
"She
was
a
beautiful
dreamer,
the
kind
of
girl
who
kept
her
head
in
the
clouds,
loved
above
the
stars,
and
left
regret
beneath
the
earth
she
walked
on.
"
【她是一个美丽的梦想家,那种把头扬起在云朵间的女孩,向星空中的爱情倾心,却在她行走的大地上留下了遗憾。
】
4.
"I
hope
you
will
have
a
wonderful
year,
that
you'll
dream
dangerously
and
outrageously,
that
you'll
make
something
that
didn't
exist
before
you
made
it,
that
you
will
be
loved
and
that
you
will
be
liked,
and
that
you
will
have
people
to
love
and
to
like
in
return.
And,
most
importantly
(because
think
there
should
be
more
kindness
and
more
wisdom
in
the
world
right
now),
that
you
will,
when
you
need
to
be,
be
wise,
and
that
you
will
always
be
kind.
"
-
Neil
Gaiman
【我希望你会拥有一个美好的一年,你将会做出一些前所未有的新作品,梦想危险而狂放,你会受到爱和喜欢,也会有人可以回报你的爱和喜欢。
最重要的是(因为我认为现在这个世界需要更多的善良和智慧),
当你需要的时候,要明智,而且要永远善良。
】
5.
"I
believe
in
pink.
believe
that
laughing
is
the
best
calorie
burner.
believe
in
kissing,
kissing
a
lot.
believe
in
being
strong
when
everything
seems
to
be
going
wrong.
believe
that
happy
girls
are
the
prettiest
girls.
believe
that
tomorrow
is
another
day
and
believe
in
miracles.
"
-
Audrey
Hepburn
【我相信粉色,相信大笑是最好的减肥方式。
我相信亲吻,热烈地亲吻。
我相信在一切似乎不顺心时坚强。
我相信开心的女孩是最漂亮的女孩。
我相信明天会更好,我相信奇迹。
】
6.
"Life
is
a
journey,
and
if
you
fall
in
love
with
the
journey,
you
will
be
in
love
forever.
"
-
Peter
Hagerty
【人生是一段旅程,如果你爱上这个旅程,那么你会永远相爱。
】
7.
"In
three
words
can
sum
up
everything
I've
learned
about
life:
it
goes
on.
"
-
Robert
Frost
【用三个词总结我所学到的关于生活的一切:生命继续着。
】
8.
"I
have
loved
the
stars
too
fondly
to
be
fearful
of
the
night.
"
-
Sarah
Williams
【我太狂热地爱上了星空,以至于不再害怕夜晚。
】
9.
"To
be
beautiful
means
to
be
yourself.
You
don't
need
to
be
accepted
by
others.
You
need
to
accept
yourself.
"
-
Thich
Nhat
Hanh
【美丽意味着做自己。
你不需要被别人接受,你需要接受自己。
】
10.
"And
in
the
end,
we
were
all
just
humans.
.
.
drunk
on
the
idea
that
love,
only
love,
could
heal
our
brokenness.
"
-
F.
Scott
Fitzgerald
【最终,我们都只是人类……沉醉于一个想法:只有爱才能治愈我们的破碎。
】
11.
"We
are
all
broken,
that’s
how
the
light
gets
in.
"
-
Ernest
Hemingway
【我们都是受过伤的,但这就是让光芒照进来的方式。
】
12.
"The
best
and
most
beautiful
things
in
the
world
cannot
be
seen
or
even
touched
-
they
must
be
felt
with
the
heart.
"
-
Helen
Keller
【世界上最美好的事物无法被看到或触摸到,它们必须用心感受。
】
13.
"I
am
not
a
morning
person,
but
when
woke
up
today,
just
knew
it
was
going
to
be
a
beautiful
day.
"
【我不是一个早晨人,但当我今天早上醒来时,我就知道今天会是一个美好的日子。
】
14.
"We
are
all
travelers
in
the
wilderness
of
this
world,
and
the
best
we
can
find
in
our
travels
is
an
honest
friend.
"
-
Robert
Louis
Stevenson
【我们都是这个世界的旅行者,在旅行中,最好的发现便是真诚的朋友。
】
15.
"I
have
found
the
paradox,
that
if
you
love
until
it
hurts,
there
can
be
no
more
hurt,
only
more
love.
"
-
Mother
Teresa
【我已找到了这个悖论:如果你爱到了让你受到伤害的程度,就不会再有更多的伤害,只有更多的爱。
】
16.
"There
is
a
sunrise
and
a
sunset
every
day
and
you
can
choose
to
be
there
for
it.
You
can
put
yourself
in
the
way
of
beauty.
"
-
Cheryl
Strayed
【每天都有日出和日落,你可以选择在那里。
你可以通过自己表现来感受美。
】
17.
"The
earth
laughs
in
flowers.
"
-
Ralph
Waldo
Emerson
【大地在花朵中欢笑。
】
18.
"Happiness
can
be
found
even
in
the
darkest
of
times,
if
one
only
remembers
to
turn
on
the
light.
"
-
Albus
Dumbledore,
Harry
Potter
【即使在最黑暗的时刻,也可以找到幸福,只要记得点亮灯。
】
19.
"Whatever
you
are,
be
a
good
one.
"
-
Abraham
Lincoln
【无论你是什么样的人,要做一个好人。
】
20.
"And
if
today,
all
you
did
was
hold
yourself
together,
I'm
proud
of
you.
"
【如果今天,你做的所有事情仅仅是让自己固守在一起,我为你感到骄傲。
】