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1.
那一天,他们的爱情穿越了国界,证明了爱情的力量。
【The
day
their
love
crossed
borders,
proving
the
power
of
love
itself.
】
2.
在他们的世界里,爱情不受国籍的限制,只因两颗真心相爱。
【In
their
world,
love
knows
no
nationality,
only
the
hearts
that
truly
love
each
other.
】
3.
他们一起面对了语言、文化的差异,却始终坚信爱是共同语言。
【They
faced
the
differences
in
language
and
culture
together,
always
believing
that
love
is
a
universal
language.
】
4.
无论身在何地,他们都愿跟随爱情的路径,永不放弃。
【No
matter
where
they
are,
they
are
willing
to
follow
the
path
of
love,
never
giving
up.
】
5.
跨越千里,他们的心紧紧相系,彼此的存在成为彼此的最美证明。
【Across
a
thousand
miles,
their
hearts
are
tied
together,
their
very
existence
becoming
the
most
beautiful
proof
of
their
love.
】
6.
当爱情无法被边界框住时,两个灵魂找到了彼此,创造了属于他们自己的世界。
【When
love
transcends
borders,
two
souls
find
each
other,
creating
a
world
that
belongs
solely
to
them.
】
7.
婚姻不只是两个人的承诺,更是两个国度间的友谊和理解。
【Marriage
is
not
just
a
commitment
between
two
individuals,
but
also
a
bridge
of
friendship
and
understanding
between
two
nations.
】
8.
他们的婚姻故事彰显了世界的多元与包容,让我们相信爱情可以跨越一切。
【Their
marriage
story
exemplifies
the
diversity
and
inclusivity
of
the
world,
making
us
believe
that
love
can
conquer
all.
】
9.
爱情没有国界,无论面对多少艰难险阻,他们勇敢地追寻着幸福。
【Love
knows
no
borders,
and
despite
all
the
hardships,
they
bravely
pursue
happiness.
】
10.
穿越国度的爱情,与家庭的认同艰难相处,却因为坚定的爱而力争逢生。
【Love
that
crosses
borders,
struggles
with
acceptance
from
families,
but
persists
in
surviving
due
to
unwavering
love.
】
11.
他们不仅融合了两个国家的文化,更在这过程中打破了成规和偏见。
【They
merged
not
only
two
cultures,
but
also
broke
stereotypes
and
prejudices
along
the
way.
】
12.
爱情让距离和时差不再是问题,他们找到了每天紧紧相依的方式。
【Love
makes
distance
and
time
difference
no
longer
obstacles;
they
have
found
a
way
to
be
together
every
single
day.
】
13.
这个婚姻是友谊的见证,是两个国家之间的纽带,更是创造美好未来的希望。
【This
marriage
is
a
testament
to
friendship,
a
bridge
between
two
nations,
and
a
hope
for
a
better
future.
】
14.
跨国婚姻的故事,从陌生到熟悉,从困难到坚定,是一段爱情的壮丽史诗。
【The
story
of
a
transnational
marriage,
from
unfamiliarity
to
familiarity,
from
difficulties
to
determination,
is
a
magnificent
epic
of
love.
】
15.
没有过不去的山和海,没有阻挡住他们相爱的国界。
【No
mountain
or
sea
can
hinder
their
love;
no
border
can
separate
them.
】
16.
他们以自己的爱情励志,向世界证明了爱情的力量和包容。
【Inspired
by
their
love,
they
prove
to
the
world
the
power
and
inclusivity
of
love.
】
17.
爱情没有颜色也没有国籍,它只看重两个人的心与灵魂。
【Love
has
no
color
or
nationality;
it
only
values
the
hearts
and
souls
of
two
individuals.
】
18.
他们的结合不仅仅是两个人的喜悦,更是两个国家间的和谐和友爱。
【Their
union
is
not
just
a
joy
for
two
individuals;
it
represents
harmony
and
friendship
between
two
nations.
】
19.
他们的跨国婚姻是一种勇气和探险,他们敢于挑战常规,寻找属于自己的幸福。
【Their
transnational
marriage
is
a
testament
to
courage
and
adventure;
they
dare
to
challenge
conventions
and
seek
their
own
happiness.
】
20.
爱是一种无穷的融合,他们的婚姻是不同文化与背景的美丽交融。
【Love
is
an
infinite
fusion,
and
their
marriage
is
a
beautiful
blend
of
different
cultures
and
backgrounds.
】