1.
"Love
is
patient,
love
is
kind.
"
Let's
embrace
the
beauty
of
gentleness
with
a
simple
and
elegant
wedding.
【温柔简约婚礼,让我们拥抱柔美之美】
2.
Less
is
more,
especially
when
it
comes
to
the
pure
beauty
of
love.
Let's
create
a
wedding
that
is
both
gentle
and
stylish.
【纯净的爱情不需要繁华的包装,简约的婚礼也可以兼具风格】
3.
gentle
touch,
a
loving
embrace,
and
a
vow
to
cherish
forever.
Let's
celebrate
our
love
in
a
way
that
truly
reflects
who
we
are.
【轻柔的拥抱,深深的誓言,让这场婚礼真正呈现我们的爱情】
4.
The
softness
of
a
rose,
the
warmth
of
the
sun,
and
the
tenderness
of
love.
Let's
create
a
wedding
that
is
a
reflection
of
these
beautiful
qualities.
【玫瑰的柔美,阳光的温暖,爱情的温柔,相见恨晚的完美结合】
5.
Our
love
is
like
a
gentle
breeze,
always
there
to
comfort
and
sustain.
Let's
celebrate
this
beautiful
bond
with
a
simple
and
elegant
wedding.
【爱情如柔和的微风,伴随我们慰藉,静待浪漫的婚礼盛宴】
6.
Love
is
not
just
a
feeling,
it's
an
action
that
we
take
every
day.
Let's
create
a
wedding
that
is
a
beautiful
reflection
of
that
commitment.
【爱不仅是情感,更是我们每天的行为,让这场婚礼见证我们对永恒承诺的信仰】
7.
gentle
hello,
a
tender
goodbye,
and
a
lifetime
of
love.
Let's
create
a
wedding
that
captures
the
essence
of
this
beautiful
journey.
【温柔的相聚,深情的告别,旅途中的每一个瞬间都值得留恋,将这美丽的故事融入到婚礼中】
8.
Sometimes
the
greatest
beauty
can
be
found
in
the
simplest
things.
Let's
create
a
wedding
that
is
a
beautiful
reflection
of
this
truth.
【有时候最美的不是最华丽的,让婚礼如同简单却动人的美丽事物】
9.
Love
is
a
journey,
and
our
wedding
is
the
beginning
of
that
adventure.
Let's
celebrate
with
a
gentle
and
elegant
event
that
speaks
to
our
hearts.
【爱情如同旅途一般,婚礼成为这段奇妙之旅的起点,用温柔、优雅的方式来庆祝它】
10.
Love
is
a
gentle
force
that
guides
us
through
life's
storms.
Let's
create
a
wedding
that
reflects
the
beauty
of
that
journey.
【爱情是一股柔和的力量,为我们在人生的漩涡中指引方向,让婚礼展现这份美好】
11.
The
beauty
of
love
is
in
its
simplicity,
the
cherished
moments
that
define
who
we
are.
Let's
celebrate
that
with
a
simple
and
elegant
wedding.
【爱情之美在于它的纯真和简单,是我们生命中的珍贵时刻,用简约优雅的婚礼向它致敬】
12.
Our
love
is
like
a
rose,
soft
and
delicate,
but
also
strong
and
resilient.
Let's
celebrate
that
beautiful
contradiction
with
a
gentle
and
elegant
wedding.
【我们的爱情如同芬芳优雅的玫瑰,柔弱而坚韧,用可爱又深刻的方式把这份矛盾之美展现开来】
13.
The
beauty
of
love
is
in
the
small
things,
the
gentle
touches
and
loving
whispers.
Let's
create
a
wedding
that
celebrates
those
beautiful
details.
【爱情之美在于平凡中的温馨细节,是那些轻柔的拥抱和深情的耳语,让婚礼放大这些美丽细节】
14.
Let's
embrace
the
beauty
of
a
gentle
and
elegant
wedding,
a
celebration
of
love
that
is
both
simple
and
breathtaking.
【以温柔简约的方式表达爱意,创造一个美丽动人的婚礼场景】
15.
Our
love
is
like
a
gentle
breeze,
a
quiet
force
that
shapes
our
lives.
Let's
create
a
wedding
that
reflects
the
beauty
of
that
journey.
【我们的爱情如同轻柔的微风,悄悄地影响着我们的人生,让婚礼见证这个美好的旅程】
16.
Sometimes
it's
the
quiet
moments
that
speak
the
loudest.
Let's
create
a
wedding
that
is
a
beautiful
reflection
of
that
truth.
【有时候最打动人心的不是那最张扬的瞬间,让婚礼用静谧简约的方式,传递那份微妙的感动】
17.
Love
is
not
a
thing
to
be
possessed,
but
a
feeling
to
be
shared.
Let's
create
a
wedding
that
celebrates
the
beauty
of
that
sentiment.
【爱情如同不可拥有的礼物,而是一份需要分享的感受,用婚礼表达这份有趣而美好的思想】
18.
Our
love
is
like
a
gentle
river,
always
there
to
carry
us
through
life's
ups
and
downs.
Let's
celebrate
that
beautiful
journey
with
a
simple
and
elegant
wedding.
【我们的爱情如同缓缓流淌的河流,在星夜琉璃光中陪伴我们起伏往复,让婚礼成为这份翩然的见证】
19.
The
beauty
of
love
is
in
its
simplicity,
the
way
it
allows
us
to
be
our
truest
selves.
Let's
create
a
wedding
that
celebrates
that
authenticity.
【爱情之美在于它的简单自在,为我们提供展现内心的空间,让婚礼成为真正自我的证明】
20.
Our
love
is
like
a
gentle
melody
that
fills
our
hearts
with
joy.
Let's
celebrate
that
beautiful
sound
with
a
simple
and
elegant
wedding.
【我们的爱情如同舒缓的旋律,让我们心中充满了美好,让这份喜悦通过温柔优雅的婚礼得以升华】