.jpg)
1.
"Don't
cry
because
it's
over,
smile
because
it
happened.
"
【#离别不难过,珍惜曾经#】
2.
"How
lucky
am
to
have
something
that
makes
saying
goodbye
so
hard.
"
【#离别之难誓言不减#】
3.
"Goodbyes
are
not
forever.
Goodbyes
are
not
the
end.
They
simply
mean
I'll
miss
you,
until
we
meet
again.
"
【#离别并非终点,再见即是相聚#】
4.
"The
hardest
part
of
loving
someone
is
saying
goodbye.
"
【#爱到深处便是离别#】
5.
"When
someone
leaves,
it's
because
someone
else
is
about
to
arrive.
"
【#离别的终点是相遇的起点#】
6.
"The
pain
of
parting
is
nothing
to
the
joy
of
meeting
again.
"
【#别离之痛不如重逢之喜#】
7.
"True
love
doesn't
have
a
happy
ending,
because
true
love
never
ends.
"
【#真爱无需结局,因为它不曾结束#】
8.
"Why
is
it
that
the
right
people
never
stay,
and
the
wrong
people
always
do?"
【#为何对的人不在,错误的人总能留存#】
9.
"Love
is
like
a
butterfly,
it
goes
where
it
pleases
and
it
pleases
where
it
goes.
"
【#爱如蝴蝶,随心而动,结局无常#】
10.
"Love
doesn't
make
the
world
go
'round.
Love
is
what
makes
the
ride
worthwhile.
"
【#爱让人生充满意义,即使在离别中#】
11.
"It's
hard
to
forget
someone
who
gave
you
so
much
to
remember.
"
【#难以忘记那个给你留下太多回忆的人#】
12.
"Love
is
not
a
feeling
of
happiness.
Love
is
a
willingness
to
sacrifice.
"
【#爱并不是幸福的感觉,它是无私的付出#】
13.
"The
only
way
to
truly
know
something
is
to
experience
it
without
judgment.
"
【#只有亲身经历,才能真正了解某件事#】
14.
"Love
is
not
about
possession.
Love
is
about
appreciation.
"
【#爱并非占有,而是珍惜#】
15.
"If
you
love
someone,
set
them
free.
If
they
come
back,
they're
yours.
If
they
don't,
they
never
were.
"
【#如果你爱某个人,就要放他出去,如果他回来了,说明他是你的,否则他从未属于你#】
16.
"The
best
love
is
the
kind
that
awakens
the
soul
and
makes
us
reach
for
more.
It
plants
a
fire
in
our
hearts
and
brings
peace
to
our
minds.
"
【#最美好的爱是唤醒我们的灵魂,让我们不断追求,它点燃我们心中的火焰,带来内心的平静#】
17.
"Love
is
like
the
wind,
you
can't
see
it
but
you
can
feel
it.
"
【#爱如风,看不见,却能感受到#】
18.
"Love
is
not
what
you
say,
love
is
what
you
do.
"
【#爱不是说出来的,而是行动的体现#】
19.
"Goodbyes
make
you
think.
They
make
you
realize
what
you've
had,
what
you've
lost,
and
what
you've
taken
for
granted.
"
【#离别让人沉思,让人意识到失去和曾经的珍贵#】
20.
"We
loved
with
a
love
that
was
more
than
love.
"
【#我们爱的不仅仅是爱#】