.jpg)
1.
"The
two
sons
of
my
heart:
love
that
grows
stronger
with
every
passing
day"
【心中的双子:一份随着岁月增长的爱】
2.
"Watching
my
boys
grow
up
into
fine
young
men
is
a
joy
beyond
compare"
【看着我的儿子变成优秀的年轻人是无与伦比的喜悦】
3.
"The
bond
between
my
sons
and
is
unbreakable,
unwavering
and
forever"
【我和我的儿子之间的纽带坚不可摧,坚如磐石,永恒不变】
4.
"The
way
my
sons
make
me
feel
loved
and
needed
is
a
feeling
that
cannot
be
put
into
words"
【我的儿子让我感到被爱和被需要的感觉,这是无法用言语表达的】
5.
"My
sons
bring
a
light
into
my
life
that
brightens
even
the
darkest
of
days"
【我的儿子给我的生活带来了一道光芒,即使在最暗淡的日子里也是如此】
6.
"There
is
nothing
more
heartwarming
than
the
laughter
of
my
sons
ringing
through
the
house"
【没有什么比我的儿子在房间里欢笑更令人感到温馨的了】
7.
"From
the
moment
they
were
born,
my
sons
have
been
my
world"
【从他们出生的那一刻起,我的儿子就成为了我的全世界】
8.
"My
sons
may
not
always
realize
it,
but
they
are
the
sunshine
in
my
life"
【我的儿子可能并不总是意识到,但他们是我生命中的阳光】
9.
"The
sweet
moments
shared
between
a
mother
and
her
sons
are
priceless
treasures"
【母亲与儿子之间分享的甜蜜时刻是无价之宝】
10.
"My
boys
fill
my
life
with
meaning,
purpose
and
endless
joy"
【我的儿子让我的生命充满了意义、目标和永无止境的喜悦】
11.
"The
unconditional
love
between
a
mother
and
her
sons
is
a
bond
unlike
any
other"
【母亲与儿子之间的无条件爱是一种独特的纽带】
12.
"The
sound
of
my
sons
sleeping
peacefully
at
night
is
music
to
my
ears"
【我的儿子在夜晚安然入睡的声音如同音乐般动听】
13.
"My
boys
may
have
grown
up,
but
they
will
always
be
my
little
babies
in
my
heart"
【我的儿子可能已经长大,但他们永远都是我心中的小宝贝】
14.
"The
happiness
and
contentment
in
my
life
can
largely
be
attributed
to
the
love
of
my
sons"
【我生命中的幸福和满足感很大程度上归功于我的儿子的爱】
15.
"The
love
my
sons
have
for
their
mother
is
truly
a
sight
to
behold"
【我的儿子对他们母亲的爱真的是一种难以置信的美景】
16.
"The
joy
in
my
life
can
be
traced
back
to
the
moment
when
my
sons
first
called
me
'Mom'"
【我生命中的喜悦可以追溯到我的儿子第一次称呼我“妈妈”的那一刻】
17.
"The
moments
shared
with
my
sons
will
forever
be
etched
in
my
mind
and
heart"
【与我的儿子分享的时刻将永远铭刻在我的心里】
18.
"My
boys
are
my
sunshine
on
a
cloudy
day,
my
strength
in
times
of
weakness"
【我的儿子是在阴天的阳光,是在软弱时的力量】
19.
"The
bond
between
a
mother
and
her
sons
is
a
bond
that
will
last
a
lifetime"
【母亲与儿子之间的纽带是一种会持续一生的纽带】
20.
"My
love
for
my
sons
is
endless,
unwavering
and
forever"
【我对我的儿子的爱是无限的,坚不可摧,永恒不变】