1.
"Waiting
for
you
was
like
standing
on
the
edge
of
a
cliff,
hoping
and
praying
that
you
would
catch
me
if
fall.
"
【In
my
heart】
2.
"The
pain
of
waiting
for
someone
who
may
never
come
is
one
of
the
toughest
battles
you
will
fight.
"
【But
still
believe】
3.
"Every
moment
without
you
feels
like
a
thousand
years,
until
the
moment
see
you
again.
"
【My
heart
beats
for
you】
4.
"Love
is
not
just
about
being
with
someone.
It's
about
waiting
for
them
to
come
back,
even
when
they're
gone.
"
【Forever
and
always】
5.
"They
say
good
things
come
to
those
who
wait,
but
sometimes
waiting
is
the
hardest
thing
to
do.
"
【When
will
you
return】
6.
"I
thought
waiting
for
you
was
worth
it,
until
realized
that
you
weren't
coming
back.
"
【Heartbreak】
7.
"The
beauty
and
the
pain
of
waiting
for
someone
is
that
it
teaches
you
patience
and
resilience.
"
【Through
the
tears】
8.
"I
know
that
waiting
for
you
is
hard,
but
would
wait
for
eternity
if
that
meant
could
be
with
you
again.
"
【I
miss
you】
9.
"In
the
agony
of
waiting,
hope
can
be
the
only
thing
that
keeps
us
going.
Hope
that
one
day,
they
will
return.
"
【I
will
wait】
10.
"The
sweetest
moment
of
waiting
is
when
the
one
you've
been
waiting
for
finally
arrives,
and
you
realize
that
the
wait
was
worth
it.
"
【You
are
my
everything】
11.
"You
left
me
waiting
in
the
darkness,
but
still
hold
onto
the
hope
that
you
will
find
your
way
back
to
me.
"
【My
heart
is
faithful】
12.
"Time
may
heal
all
wounds,
but
the
pain
of
waiting
never
truly
fades.
"
【I
am
still
waiting】
13.
"When
you're
waiting
for
someone,
days
feel
like
weeks,
weeks
feel
like
months,
and
months
feel
like
forever.
"
【Where
are
you】
14.
"I
never
knew
that
waiting
for
someone
could
hurt
so
much,
until
the
day
you
left
me
waiting.
"
【Heartbroken】
15.
"Holding
onto
someone
who
may
never
come
is
like
holding
onto
a
dream
that
may
never
come
true.
"
【Will
you
ever
return】
16.
"I
may
not
know
what
the
future
holds,
but
one
thing
do
know
is
that
will
wait
for
you
until
the
end
of
time.
"
【My
heart
beats
for
you】
17.
"The
pain
of
waiting
is
only
bearable
when
you
know
that
the
one
you're
waiting
for
is
worth
it.
"
【My
heart
belongs
to
you】
18.
"The
hardest
thing
about
waiting
for
someone
is
not
knowing
whether
they
are
waiting
for
you
too.
"
【Do
you
still
love
me】
19.
"Waiting
for
someone
who
may
never
come
back
is
like
standing
in
the
rain
waiting
for
a
rainbow
to
appear.
"
【Will
the
sun
come
out
again】
20.
"I
will
keep
waiting
for
you,
even
if
it
means
waiting
forever.
Because
my
heart
belongs
to
you,
and
it
always
will.
"
【Forever
waiting】