1.
Living
in
a
foreign
country
truly
broadens
your
perspective
and
teaches
you
to
appreciate
diversity
【#expatlife】
.
2.
The
thrill
of
exploring
a
new
culture
and
learning
a
new
language
is
hard
to
replicate
【#wanderlust】
.
3.
Missing
the
convenience
of
having
a
melting
pot
of
cuisines
at
your
fingertips
【#foodie】
.
4.
The
beauty
of
living
abroad
is
getting
to
experience
everyday
life
as
a
local
【#culture】
.
5.
The
feeling
of
being
a
stranger
in
a
new
place
can
be
overwhelming,
but
it
also
forces
you
to
grow
and
adapt
【#personalgrowth】
.
6.
There's
something
magical
about
being
able
to
hop
on
a
train
or
plane
and
explore
a
new
destination
every
weekend
【#adventure】
.
7.
The
friendships
you
make
while
living
abroad
are
special
and
unique,
as
you
rely
on
each
other
for
support
in
a
foreign
land
【#friendship】
.
8.
The
experience
of
learning
a
new
language
from
scratch
is
humbling
and
rewarding
【#languagelearning】
.
9.
Being
able
to
witness
and
participate
in
cultural
festivals
and
events
that
you
would
have
never
experienced
otherwise
【#experience】
.
10.
The
ability
to
look
at
your
own
country
and
culture
with
a
fresh
pair
of
eyes
after
living
abroad
【#reflection】
.
11.
The
feeling
of
nostalgia
for
things
you
never
thought
you'd
miss,
like
the
sound
of
a
foreign
language
or
smell
of
particular
street
food
【#nostalgia】
.
12.
The
freedom
of
being
able
to
reinvent
yourself
in
a
new
place
【#selfdiscovery】
.
13.
The
realization
that
the
world
is
big
and
full
of
endless
possibilities,
waiting
to
be
explored
【#travel】
.
14.
The
challenge
of
balancing
the
desire
to
fully
immerse
yourself
in
a
new
culture
while
also
staying
true
to
your
own
traditions
and
beliefs
【#identity】
.
15.
That
bittersweet
feeling
of
leaving
a
place
you've
fallen
in
love
with,
knowing
that
you
may
never
return
【#goodbye】
.
16.
Being
able
to
see
firsthand
the
similarities
and
differences
between
cultures,
and
how
they
all
ultimately
connect
us
as
human
beings
【#humanconnection】
.
17.
The
simplicity
of
life
when
you're
living
out
of
a
suitcase,
unencumbered
by
possessions
and
material
goods
【#minimalism】
.
18.
The
ability
to
surprise
yourself
with
how
much
you're
capable
of,
both
in
terms
of
adapting
to
new
situations
and
taking
risks
【#adventure】
.
19.
The
feeling
of
constantly
being
in
"discovery
mode,"
with
every
day
being
a
new
opportunity
to
learn
【#lifelonglearning】
.
20.
The
knowledge
that
no
matter
where
you
end
up
in
life,
your
time
abroad
will
always
be
a
formative
and
transformative
experience
【#perspective】
.