.jpg)
1.
"The
saddest
thing
about
love
is
that
not
only
that
it
cannot
last
forever,
but
that
heartbreak
is
soon
forgotten.
"
-
William
Faulkner
【#heartbreak】
2.
"The
hardest
thing
is
not
talking
to
someone
you
used
to
talk
to
every
day.
"
【#nostalgia】
3.
"Sometimes
the
person
you
want
the
most
is
the
person
you're
best
without.
"
【#selflove】
4.
"I'm
not
okay,
but
smile
anyway.
"
【#maskedpain】
5.
"The
saddest
thing
about
betrayal
is
that
it
never
comes
from
your
enemies.
"
【#betrayal】
6.
"The
hardest
thing
is
to
pretend
that
everything
is
alright
when
it's
not.
"
【#pretend】
7.
"When
you're
happy,
you
enjoy
the
music.
When
you're
sad,
you
understand
the
lyrics.
"
【#lyrics】
8.
"Life
is
a
comedy
for
those
who
think
and
a
tragedy
for
those
who
feel.
"
-
Horace
Walpole
【#life】
9.
"The
worst
kind
of
pain
is
when
you're
smiling
to
stop
the
tears
from
falling.
"
【#pain】
10.
"It's
okay
to
be
a
little
broken,
as
long
as
you
remember
how
to
pick
up
the
pieces.
"
【#broken】
11.
"The
most
painful
goodbyes
are
the
ones
that
are
never
said
and
never
explained.
"
【#goodbyes】
12.
"Sometimes
the
smallest
step
in
the
right
direction
ends
up
being
the
biggest
step
of
your
life.
"
【#direction】
13.
"In
the
end,
we
only
regret
the
chances
we
didn't
take.
"
-
Lewis
Carroll
【#regret】
14.
"Don't
let
yesterday
take
up
too
much
of
today.
"
-
Will
Rogers
【#movingforward】
15.
"What
hurts
the
most
is
not
the
pain
itself,
but
the
person
behind
it.
"
【#personbehindthepain】
16.
"The
greatest
glory
in
living
lies
not
in
never
falling,
but
in
rising
every
time
we
fall.
"
-
Nelson
Mandela
【#risingup】
17.
"Pain
is
inevitable,
but
suffering
is
optional.
"
【#suffering】
18.
"Sometimes
you
have
to
let
go
of
the
picture
of
what
you
thought
life
would
be
like
and
learn
to
find
joy
in
the
story
you
are
actually
living.
"
【#lettinggo】
19.
"You
have
to
fight
through
some
bad
days
to
earn
the
best
days
of
your
life.
"
【#fightingback】
20.
"The
past
is
where
you
learned
the
lesson.
The
future
is
where
you
apply
the
lesson.
"
-
Unknown
【#lessonslearned】