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1.
Being
kind
is
always
worth
it.
【温柔总是值得的】
2.
Kindness
is
contagious
and
has
the
power
to
change
the
world.
【温柔具有感染力,可以改变世界】
3.
gentler
approach
can
often
be
more
effective
in
communication.
【在交流中,越温柔的方式越容易成功】
4.
Acts
of
kindness,
no
matter
how
small,
can
make
a
big
impact
in
someone's
life.
【即使很小的善举,也能对别人生命产生巨大的影响】
5.
Choosing
to
be
kind
is
a
daily
decision
that
can
have
lifelong
benefits.
【选择温柔是每天的决定,会带来终生的好处】
6.
kind
word
can
turn
someone's
entire
day
around.
【一句温柔的话,能改变一个人的一整天】
7.
The
true
measure
of
strength
is
not
physical,
but
rather
the
ability
to
show
kindness.
【真正的强者不是身体上的,而是表现出温柔的能力】
8.
Kindness
costs
nothing,
yet
it
can
bring
priceless
rewards.
【温柔并不需要代价,却可以获得无价的回报】
9.
When
in
doubt,
always
choose
kindness.
【犹豫时,永远选择温柔】
10.
Being
kind
to
yourself
is
just
as
important
as
being
kind
to
others.
【善待自己,同样重要于善待别人】
11.
The
world
needs
more
kindness
and
empathy
now
more
than
ever.
【现在的世界比以往任何时候都更需要温柔和同理心】
12.
Every
kind
act
counts,
no
matter
how
small.
【每一个温柔的行为都有价值,无论多么微小】
13.
Even
in
difficult
situations,
showing
kindness
can
make
a
difference.
【即使在困难的情况下,表现出温柔也能带来改变】
14.
Being
kind
doesn't
mean
being
weak;
it
takes
strength
to
show
compassion.
【温柔并不意味着软弱,表现出同情需要勇气】
15.
Kindness
is
a
language
that
everyone
can
understand.
【温柔是一种每个人都能理解的语言】
16.
Always
aim
to
be
a
light
of
kindness
in
someone's
dark
day.
【永远争取成为别人在黑暗的日子里的善良之光】
17.
There's
no
such
thing
as
too
much
kindness.
【温柔不会多到厌烦的地步】
18.
Treating
others
with
kindness
is
a
reflection
of
the
kind
of
person
you
are.
【用温柔对待别人,反映了你是何等的人】
19.
When
you
show
kindness,
you
not
only
brighten
someone's
day
but
also
yours.
【当你表现出温柔时,你不仅照亮了别人的一天,也照亮了自己的心】
20.
Choose
kindness
over
judgement,
understanding
over
criticism,
and
empathy
over
indifference.
【选择温柔而非批判,理解而非批评,同理心而非冷漠】