.jpg)
1.
Money
can
buy
you
happiness,
but
it
won't
love
you
back.
】
2.
In
the
pursuit
of
wealth,
we
often
forget
the
things
that
truly
matter.
】
3.
The
dangers
of
chasing
money
at
the
cost
of
relationships
and
health
are
too
high
to
ignore.
】
4.
The
idea
of
using
someone
solely
for
their
financial
stability
is
morally
repugnant.
】
5.
True
wealth
is
measured
by
the
quality
of
our
relationships,
not
the
size
of
our
bank
accounts.
】
6.
Selling
your
soul
for
the
sake
of
money
is
never
worth
it.
】
7.
The
love
of
money
is
the
root
of
all
evil.
】
8.
Those
who
value
money
above
all
else
lead
empty
lives.
】
9.
Money
can't
replace
the
memories
and
experiences
we
create
with
loved
ones.
】
10.
No
amount
of
money
can
compensate
for
a
lack
of
purpose
and
meaning
in
life.
】
11.
The
most
valuable
things
in
life
are
often
free:
love,
friendship,
and
contentment.
】
12.
The
pursuit
of
money
is
a
never-ending
cycle
that
can
leave
you
feeling
unfulfilled.
】
13.
Money
is
merely
a
means
to
an
end,
not
the
end
game
itself.
】
14.
The
misguided
belief
that
money
equals
happiness
is
a
dangerous
lie.
】
15.
Money
can
buy
you
things,
but
it
can't
buy
you
true
fulfillment.
】
16.
life
spent
pursuing
money
is
a
life
wasted.
】
17.
Wealth
is
meaningless
without
people
to
share
it
with.
】
18.
The
greed
for
money
can
lead
people
to
do
terrible
things.
】
19.
In
the
end,
all
that
really
matters
is
love,
not
money.
】
20.
Money
cannot
buy
you
class,
integrity,
or
character.
】