.jpg)
1.
“His
gentle
touch
took
away
all
of
her
pain.
”
【温柔的触碰带走了她所有的痛苦。
】
2.
“She
spoke
with
a
kind
tone
that
immediately
put
me
at
ease.
”
【她用温柔的声音说话,让我立刻感到安心。
】
3.
“He
always
takes
a
moment
to
listen
and
try
to
understand
before
offering
advice.
”
【他总是先花时间倾听和理解,然后再给出建议。
】
4.
“The
old
man
smiled
at
the
children
and
lifted
their
spirits
with
his
kindness.
”
【老人对孩子微笑,用他的善良让他们振奋起来。
】
5.
“She
placed
a
hand
on
my
shoulder
and
told
me
everything
would
be
okay.
”
【她放手放在我的肩膀上,告诉我一切都会好起来。
】
6.
“He
always
makes
time
to
help
others,
no
matter
how
busy
he
is.
”
【他总是抽出时间帮助他人,无论自己有多忙。
】
7.
“She
went
out
of
her
way
to
make
me
feel
welcome
and
loved.
”
【她不辞辛劳地让我感到被欢迎和爱着。
】
8.
“He
gave
up
his
own
seat
on
the
bus
to
an
elderly
woman
with
a
cane.
”
【他让座给一个拄着拐杖的老太太。
】
9.
“She
sat
and
listened
to
my
story
without
judgment,
only
empathy.
”
【她坐下来听我的故事,没有评判,只有共情。
】
10.
“He
rescued
a
stray
kitten
from
the
street
and
nursed
it
back
to
health.
”
【他从街上救出了一只流浪小猫,并护理其康复。
】
11.
“She
always
greets
everyone
with
a
warm
smile
and
a
kind
word.
”
【她总是用温暖的微笑和友好的话语问候每个人。
】
12.
“He
volunteers
at
the
local
shelter
to
take
care
of
animals
in
need.
”
【他在当地的收容所做志愿者,照顾需要帮助的动物。
】
13.
“She
shares
her
umbrella
on
a
rainy
day
without
hesitation.
”
【在雨天,她毫不犹豫地和别人分享她的雨伞。
】
14.
“He
takes
the
time
to
stop
and
appreciate
the
beauty
of
nature
around
him.
”
【他停下来欣赏周围大自然的美丽。
】
15.
“She
gently
holds
her
newborn
baby
and
sings
a
lullaby.
”
【她温柔地抱着她的新生儿唱着摇篮曲。
】
16.
“He
offers
a
listening
ear
to
a
friend
in
need.
”
【他向有需要的友人倾听。
】
17.
“She
volunteers
at
a
retirement
home,
reading
books
and
chatting
with
the
residents.
”
【她在一家养老院做志愿者,读书和与居民聊天。
】
18.
“He
always
finds
a
way
to
make
me
laugh,
even
on
my
darkest
days.
”
【他总能找到让我笑的方法,即使在我最黑暗的日子里。
】
19.
“She
bakes
cookies
for
her
neighbors
just
because.
”
【她为邻居烤饼干,只是因为。
】
20.
“He
holds
the
door
open
for
strangers
and
greets
them
with
a
smile.
”
【他为陌生人开门,并用微笑问候他们。
】